Monday, June 24, 2019

55 things that I miss

Written 55 days after her death

1.  high masses for special feast days at SMPB (ok...maybe not going home from Father P. lee's first mass, or going home form the Assumption day mass...)

2. Watching Andy Griffith

3. watching the hallmark channel (did I really just say that?!)

4. reading from "A character calendar" together

5. rosaries together

6. reading from the 40 dreams of saint john bosco together

7. her waving to me

8. reading from the catholic all year booklets

9. M's birthday at HuHot (I was SO proud of myself that night!!) + the picture of us sitting at the head of the table that night.

10. eating Cheetos/Doritos together

11. sitting outside together

12. how excited she would be when she would first see me

13. flicking through the smug mug pics on her iPad

14. blessings ourselves with her relics

15. "Oh its you"

16. "oh hi there"

17. sitting next to her on her bed

18. sitting on the edge of her bed with her

19. our hug/kiss/"I love you" goodbye

20. Sunday October 7 2018

21. "I'm so glad that you came today!"

22. "I hate sheds. I hate the word shed."

23. the "gimpy"arm

24. dumping the contents of my day on her

25. learning about her from anyone that I told, every chance that I got!

26. texting friends "look what she said today!"

27. texting her daughter--quotes, questions, happenings

28. texting friends "we said our rosary for you today!"

29. folding Kleenexes just so, putting a jacket on her, organizing & other home improvement projects, wiping Cheetos/Doritos off her fingers/ hands, fixing her rings for her, pulling her sleeves just so for her, raising the blinds approximately halfway... all the tasks

30. racing & rushing from babysitting to get to her

31. being at her daughter's house & with their family

32.watching her. always such a treat!

33. knowing that she loves me

34. M's texts to me of her being awake for the morning

35. asking her questions (many!)

36. her amaziness to bounce back from everything

37. her ability to eat a whole hamburger in one sitting!

38. "I missed you terribly!"

39. waking up thinking of when I could visit her. planning it out all day long too

40. looking over at her as we said our rosary

41. my excitement to visit her-- I couldn't contain myself!

42. her correcting me when I mess up on the apostles creed

43. "why do your steers have to eat twice a day?"
"why do you always have to feed your steers?"

44. me flopping back on her bed dramatically "you're making me feel exasperated!"
"well, you're making me feel exasperated" she'd say back

45. "we could be blood sisters"

46. Briman's Jewelers

47. driving around the neighborhood of the yellow house with her

48. our visits together

49. praying the stations of the cross together

50. going to Ladies of Divine Mercy---one of our very best outings ever

51. her reciting the barefoot boy & other poetry attempts

52. her eating Reeeses/ eating Reeses with her/her excitement for Reeses

53. trying to get her to eat milanos

54. friends asking me how she is

55. "what did you do today?"-me
"Nothing. just waiting for you to come."-her

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