-I have not been making smashing progress on my goals. (I still haven't gone to mass any more times in January than I did in December, but also, Mass has been canceled a few days toward the end of the month (on account of freezing frigidity); I've gotten in a handful of rosaries but not many; I have done some reading but nothing particularly robust day to day--wrestling meets are great for lots of reading.)
Update peg dolls:
-my "Father Oak" peg doll has been working as planned, I look in my missal to see what color to put out.
-my mom says that the FSSJ nuns where black and not Navy Blue (which is what I remember), so my FSSJ nun's colors are wrong, but the message still gets across of who it is. I was so sure that they wore Navy blue....
-my other peg dolls are doing great :)
What I've been up to?
-Getting ready for February feast days with books, charts, lists, plans, prints and such. The last few days of January until the first few days of February my sister and I are house sitting for someone, although I will be at my house/out and about during daytime, I will be living out of a suitcase in the afternoons/night, so I do not have any robust plans--yet--for the beginning of February except for the feast of St Brigid ("my" feast day).
-Planning/organizing/preparing for Lent: making prints, making a Microsoft Word document of charts/lists, making a pile of books I already have, writing down feast days to celebrate, finding art, thinking of what books I want to read, gathering things, seeing if there are any new books I will buy this year, considering calendars from Dumb Ox pub, finding Stations of the Cross, making plans....
I have the option to get a peg dolls set of the Passion, but I don't know, peg dolls seem to festive of art for the passion, so I might not get them...Last year, and maybe the year before, I tried to go for pretty bare decor for Lent, especially during Holy week, instead of covering everything up with purple cloth, I took all of my religious pictures and statues away (which were a bit less in number last year). My desk and wall were so bare, and this was before I had my cube shelf, so I had less space. It was nice to put all of my pictures back up on Easter Sunday (actually I probably did it after the Easter Vigil mass), it was refreshing. So, I am thinking I will do that again. I want to go for a more "plain" look for Lenten decor.
Other updates:
-I have been using Pinterest again and have a page (board?) for potential peg dolls, one for the liturgical year and one for art that I like/want.
-I basically "quit" Evernote
-I am excitedly using Microsoft Word again
New book!:
(I opened it for the first time at a wrestling meet this past weekend, hence the busy background)
This is such a great book!! and amazing addition to my liturgical year book collection, I have been soaking up the riches of this book already!! I am excited to make this book apart of my daily liturgical year routine...short enough reflection for even the busiest of days, and the shortest of attention spans! :)
Feast of Saint Agnes:
(books for the day)
Feast of St John Bosco
Happy end of January! personally I am hoping for a warmer February, with daily mass, a daily rosary and daily reading from "Character Calendar"! :) We have some exciting feast days in the month ahead, so stay tuned for what all goes down for that.
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